Cutting-edge technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and NLP are fuelling growth in the semiconductor and electronics markets. Companies are leveraging software and services tied to chipsets, which accelerate OEM adoption of new hardware platforms amid this wave of technological innovation. The surge in AI chipset demand is driven by applications and technology stacks that promote broader adoption and faster development cycles. Hrddhi offers extensive product development solutions, backed by deep technical expertise and multi-vertical experience. Our key differentiators include

Areas of Expertise
- Bare-Metal/OS support, BSP development, OS porting, and bring-up
- RTOS-aware and bare-metal firmware development
- Edge AI modules implementation expertise on MCU, MPU & GPU
- IDE and tools evaluation and integration support
- RTOS/Linux porting, compilers, and tools bring-up
- Performance benchmarking and reference solutions
- SDK development and porting with customized driver interfaces
- Embedded Security: Secure Boot Manager, Secure OTA, TrustZone
- Trusted Firmware (TFM) implementation
- Cybersecurity certification